No Veteran Left Behind Program
Allows disabled heroes who can help train their service dogs. They are matched with a dog from a local shelter, or if they own a dog, they might be able to train their dog after an evaluation. We also locate volunteers for veteran/dog teams. Volunteers are either a member of our Service Dog training network, a local members of Law enforcement, military, or k9 handlers throughout the United States. Working Dogs For Vets provides veterans with training ... Meer lezen
No Veteran Left Behind Program
Allows disabled heroes who can help train their service dogs. They are matched with a dog from a local shelter, or if they own a dog, they might be able to train their dog after an evaluation. We also locate volunteers for veteran/dog teams. Volunteers are either a member of our Service Dog training network, a local members of Law enforcement, military, or k9 handlers throughout the United States. Working Dogs For Vets provides veterans with training instructions from start to finish. Volunteers check in with teams to ensure they are making progress in their training.
We provide volunteers and disabled heroes with ID badges, certificates, information on A.D.A. laws, and dog training and task training. Some tasks include medication alerts, blocking someone from approaching too quickly, removing heroes from stressful situations, and much more.
After hero/service dog teams complete the program, they must help another team. This has resulted in groups meeting at local parks to help each other train service dogs. That is where the healing is - heroes helping heroes, so No Veteran is Left Behind.
We hope to have trainers at every military base and in every major city throughout the country within 3-5 years. Our training program's Hero/dog teams receive volunteer support, Training & Testing, Basic/Advanced Obedience, Socialization, and Public Access.
When a veteran's dog reaches the service dog In training status, they receive instructions to help with task training so that they will be able to help mitigate their disability. Once their dog learns the tasks and passes the final test, it will be a Service Dog Graduate.
REMEMBER.....A dog MUST be trained before it can be taken out into public. There is no such thing as a "MAGIC" service dog. Dogs must be trained. But with the help of volunteers and local community support, veterans can do this. Once veterans contact us, we begin to contact volunteers from the local reserve units, law enforcement, and local dog trainers to help veterans and their dogs with the training. Training the team together.
No Veteran Left Behind Program Advantages
1. There is NO waiting list. If a veteran has a dog that meets our requirements, and we have a qualified volunteer close to them, they can begin to train immediately.
2. There is NO charge for our services as we are a volunteer-based organization. Veterans don't have to pay for a hotel, meals, and plane fare to receive a dog if they use local support to train their service dog.
3. After the veteran and dog have completed basic and advanced obedience and public access testing, they will be listed as service dogs in training with our program. They will be able to train while out in public. When dogs complete the service dog training and learn the tasks necessary to help with their disability(s), public access by service dogs will be protected by federal law.
4. We provide veterans with an ID, logo patch, and training information to help them learn to teach their service dog in training necessary tasks. But most importantly, we will always provide support and help.
5. They will have a new WDFV family with a large support system.
In-House Service Dog Program
Working Dogs For Vets also has an "In House" service dog training program. These programs are for disabled heroes whose disability prevents them from training their service dogs through the No Veteran Left Behind Program. On average, service dog training for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (P.T.S.D.) takes 6 mo-1 yr, many of the in-house service dogs have been trained in tasks to help P.T.S.D. coupled with other disabilities such as mobility support. Some have been trained for over two years and then given to the disabled vet at no cost. We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit volunteer-based organization.
Prison Programs are also now being utilized to help us with service dog training. This is helping as we continue to grow!
Working Dogs For Vets has grown to over 3,000 veteran dog teams Because of supporters like you!!!
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