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The Woodlands, Texas

The Woodlands Dog Park Club (DBA Lone Star Animal Welfare League) was founded in The Woodlands, Texas in 2004. We are a 501c3 organization with the mission of “Bettering the Lives of our Best Friends.” Our goals serve to promote happier and healthier lives, not only for the pets in our community, but to create a better existence for homeless animals who are in great need of our assistance and our advocacy.

Lone Star Animal Welfare League's main objective is Spay and Neuter. We have our Fixing Montgomery County Program that consumes the majority of our funding/donations. In 2020, we were able to sponsor over 400 of these surgeries via low-cost or free opportunities within our community. We focus on helping low income, disabled, veteran and senior citizen families with vaccinations and spay/neuter surgery. We have also added a program to microchip animals in and around our local community ... Más información

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