Spring Cleaning the garden is a yearly event. takes about ten people to rank, dig, plant, seed, cutback, trim, pile-up branches, We have 10 acres of land, hundreds of gardens. Any and all help is greatly appreciated by this Disabled Veteran. Our Gardens and Art are our foremost fund raisers for providing food and items of need to over 190 families, not people, families.
Tall grasses need cut back, branches piled up, dirt laid out, mulch hauled and placed around bushes, trees and roses.
We provide the tools, gloves, dirt, mulch and seeds, you provide the muscle.
This project is critical, our gardens, eggs and honey provide the main food on the tables of over 190 families. Your efforts are a Godsend to each of those wonderful people.
Come help us, help those unable to help themselves at the moment, but a good meal could be the strength needed to change a life.
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