BARTLETT, TennesseeThe Mid-South Artists Gallery mission is to provide art to the community, provide a place for artist to exhibit free, open to the public at no cost, to provide food to those in need without any type of discrimination, to provide for all who come to our table, to partner with artists around the world to exhibit their work with 30% of all sales going to a local charity and 70% back to the artist, the Gallery keeps nothing, to partner with a local charity once a month to bring awareness of art and charities in the community, to bring awareness of homelessness, and hunger in American, and within our own community, partner with local businesses and local agencies to acquire food for local food banks, and soup kitchens at no cost, to gather used inkjet and laser-jet cartridges as a funding program for feeding those in need, example: HP will give us $5 for every HP cartridge we return which also keeps deadly chemicals out of our water systems and landfills, provide food, honey, eggs and other staples to those in need, train veterans and the disabled to crochet baby blankets for area hospitals (blankets are donated to hospitals when completed). To create a yearly art book of artists at the gallery with 100% of the funds going to feeding those in need. To grow vegetables for those in need, the sick, the elderly and shut-in free of charge, and to provide free garden plots to all who want to grow food, provide seeds to those in need to grow their own garden, teach them to plant and grow food, to teach basic math, reading, writing skills to anyone re-guesting assistance, to teach animal care, to provide free art classes once a month, provide free classes “one-on-one” classes in Word, Office Word, PowerPoint and excel, free of charge. Assist all veterans in acquiring VA benefits, researching what forms are needed, completing forms and sending to the correct office to gain assistance. To create and provide art to local charities for their yearly fund raisers at no cost to the charity, to plant and give free plants, flowers, bushes and trees to the community, teach growing methods, potting, soils, timing of seed planting, harvesting, at no charge to the community. To encourage the planting of food-based bushes and trees in the community by growing plants throughout the winter and giving them away in the spring, plants such as fig tree cuttings, apple trees, pear, blackberry, blue berry, and elderberry. Partner with local hardware stores to provide general garden tools such as shovels, spades, post diggers, rakes, thrall, had plows, and teach how to use each. Plant and grow butternut squash, yellow squash, pears, green beans and other vegetables to provide freely to the community. Teach sewing by hand, canning, cold and hot water base and storage by providing jars, samples and handouts. To continue our socks and gloves program by gathering these items throughout the year for distribution come cold weather (these items must be new, never used). Our overall mission is to provide to the community by giving freely of our time, knowledge, and monetary resources where they might be needed the most.
We are a charity of many branches, fulfilling the needs of others as best we are able, without charge. We have united the Mid-South Artist Gallery and St. Elisabeth’s Andrews Guild under one roof. We currently feed 190 families (with only three volunteers). We are all volunteers, no one is paid, ever. We operate by the kindness of the community, donations, willing hands, and guided measures. We believe to give a man a fish, he will eat for a day, but teach him/her how to fish and they ... Läs mer