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Houston, Texas

The Sgt. Amon Gift Memorial Fund raises money for local organizations that support our military veterans who struggle with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. We also have earmarked a portion of our funds to provide educational support for the daughter of our fund's namesake.

The Sgt. Amon Gift Memorial Fund was founded in 2017 by a group of runners who met each year for a 200 mile relay race in south Texas. Our team ran in the mixed military division with 6 military veterans in our ranks. The week before the race in 2017, Marc, one of our youngest members, lost a close friend and brother in arms whom he served with in the middle east -- Sgt. Amon Gift. Marc and Sgt. Gift both struggled with PTSD and it's side affects. Sgt. Gift lost that battle and took ... Czytaj dalej

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