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Habitat for Humanity of Citrus County is a nonprofit, ecumenical Christian housing ministry who seeks to put God's love into action by bringing people together to build homes, neighborhoods, and hope. We work to eliminate substandard housing for people of all backgrounds, races, and religions by providing simple, decent, affordable housing to those who have a need, ability to pay and willingness to partner.

Driven by the vision that everyone needs a decent place to live, HFHCC was founded in 1993. Since then, HFHCC has increased the number of houses we build each year in Inverness, Citrus Springs, Crystal River, Homosassa, and Hernando. Blessed with the support of benefactors, churches, businesses, civic organizations, and others, we celebrated our 25th year in 2019 and as of June 2020, we have completed our 200th home build. We are jointly developing a 600-parcel community in partnership ... Czytaj dalej

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