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Charlottesville, Virginia

OUR MISSION: Therapeutic Adventures / IndependencePlus Adaptive Sports provide leadership, programs and specialty therapeutic services To Educate ~ To Challenge ~ To Inspire persons of all ages and abilities. Those who have experienced traumatic or catastrophic life events must learn positive ways to adapt and overcome these challenges. TA / I~AS provide greater accessibility to adaptive sports and adaptive outdoor adventures while emboldening those we serve with the courage to improve their functional independence, health, fitness and overall quality of life.

Welcome to a life of adaptive sports and adaptive outdoor adventures!
Therapeutic Adventures, Inc. is a non-profit 501(c)(3) charitable educational organization. We are proud of our highly trained and committed ALL volunteer staff. What differentiates us from other non-profit organizations – the diversity and scope of our services.

"Challenging you to achieve your potential...Inspiring you to care for others!"

Our Programs are categorized in two ... Czytaj dalej

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