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Our mission is to provide assistance to children of all ages in our community and surrounding areas either directly or indirectly through their parental guardian. All proceeds raised through donations, sponsorships, events, and raffles will help provide either monetary or material items to the child and/or their guardian for their specific need. Each child and their requested need will go through an approval process to be voted on by the board of FOR THE KIDS Benefit Foundation, Inc. and subjected to any and all reporting guidelines for the state of Texas.

The Toy Run is currently accepting sponsorships and donations for its 29th year where all proceeds go to the Salvation Army to help provide Christmas to children / families in need. Last November, Chey and I sat down with Lt Michael & Lt Amanda Cain that are currently leading the Grayson County location. We had several questions regarding how the money was used and making sure that all the money given was being used to help the children. We found out that the application process ... Lire la suite

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