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Gleason, Wisconsin

Wounded Warriors United of Wisconsin is dedicated to empowering and inspiring Wisconsin veterans by getting them back into the outdoor sports of hunting and fishing and more. We provide all expense paid outings and trips all over the USA to help get our heroes out into the outdoors. Many are struggling with day to day life or have physical limitations that have discouraged them from trying to participate in the sports that they love. Wounded Warriors United of Wisconsin will provide opportunities to as many Wisconsin Veterans, always free of charge, as we can.

Wounded Warriors United of Wisconsin is a volunteer organization that takes Wisconsin Veterans on outdoor hunting and fishing trips, daily outings, and other "events". We serve all Wisconsin Veterans. We take them hunting and fishing on what are sometimes life changing experiences for them. Veterans never pay a penny for these opportunities. Our organization has inspired hundreds of Wisconsin veterans to re-engage in the outdoor sports that they love. The commaradarie that they ... Lire la suite

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