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Chesterfield, Virginia

Our mission is to ensure that every veteran and first responder transitioning into permanent housing from living on the streets or in a shelter has the necessary furniture and household accessories to transform their new house into a “home.” Our vision is to establish a Vets on Track Foundation “Beyond the Streets Program” in multiple cities across the country and develop a nationally focused donation network of household good items that can be used to support those in need – no matter where they have their new “home.”

As an organization, the Vets on Track Foundation works diligently at the grass-roots level with organizations that are working to place homeless veterans and first responders into permanent housing. Our overall objective through the Foundation's "Beyond the Streets Program" is to end veteran and other secondary population homelessness. We can accomplish this objective by providing these individuals the needed household goods to transform empty houses into homes. We have created a ... Lire la suite

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