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WASHINGTON, District of Columbia

DC Affordable Law Firm delivers accessible justice to modest-income DC residents and families who do not qualify for traditional sources of free civil legal services and cannot afford standard representation. Our innovative programming expands access to justice by empowering community members with unmet legal needs while also launching the careers of public interest lawyers committed to accessible justice. Through our dignified no-cost and low-cost representation options, DCALF bridges the gap in legal services, changes DC’s legal landscape, and makes accessible justice a reality.

At DC Affordable Law Firm, we believe all people deserve access to justice, and income should never be a barrier to an individual’s or a family’s receipt of high-quality legal representation. DC Affordable Law Firm (“DCALF”) was founded in 2015 to provide high quality, free, and affordable legal services to the one-in-five hardworking DC residents who, in spite of employment, fall into the “forgotten middle” when it comes to civil legal services --- individuals who do not qualify for ... Lire la suite

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