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LAKEVILLE, Minnesota

Majestic Hills Ranch provides equine-assisted activities to Children & Adults with Special Needs and Injured Military Personnel, active duty, and veterans in rehabilitation. The gentle and rhythmic motion of a horse's gait increases the rider's core muscle strength while improving coordination, balance, and flexibility. The special bond or relationship formed with a horse can lead to increased self-esteem, improved decision-making skills, personal insight, a sense of achievement, and social skills that include increased patience.

Majestic Hills Ranch's Mission is to provide children & adults with special needs, as well as injured military veterans (active & retired), the opportunity to achieve a sense of freedom, accomplishment, and increased self-esteem while giving their families hope through the use of Equine Assisted Services.

Equine-assisted services are a proven beneficial exercise for people with a variety of physical concerns. The gentle and rhythmic motion of a horse's gait increases the ... Más información

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