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FAIRFAX, Virginia

We endeavor to search out, encourage and support those making an impact in this world. Those graciously giving kindness, relief and help where it is needed most. Our projects are small and large, international and local, but they all significantly impact people who are in need of hope. 100% of your donation goes to on-the-ground projects. All administrative expenses are covered by the board of directors.

KARIS is a Christian organization which focuses on practical "mercy ministries" such as assisting the poor, the disenfranchised, widows, orphans, prisoners and aliens, whether or not those efforts are mixed with evangelical efforts. Our goal is to bless those that God loves (all men and women) to his glory, and to reveal the Love of Jesus to this world.

Aselsi Mission, Guatemala
KARIS expanded its support for Aselsi by funding two nurses to join a ... Más información

Cómo funcionan las donaciones
Haga clic en cualquier botón de "Donar ahora" y, luego, decida su importe de donación. Será dirigido al procesador de pagos que elija. Una vez que su donación se haya procesado, se enviará a la entidad benéfica de su elección.

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