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Kansas City, Missouri

The Veterans Community Project (VCP) is on a mission to eliminate Veteran homelessness by providing transitional-housing and enabling access to exceptional 360-degree service solutions. Focusing first on the Greater-Kansas City area, VCP aspires to use Kansas City as the blueprint for achieving similar successes in cities across the United States. VCP has a long-term goal of eliminating Veteran homelessness nationwide.

The Veterans Community Project (VCP) is on a mission to eliminate Veteran homelessness by
providing transitional-housing and enabling access to exceptional 360-degree service
solutions. Focusing first on the Greater-Kansas City area, VCP aspires to use Kansas City as
the blueprint for achieving similar successes in cities across the United States. VCP has a
long-term goal of eliminating Veteran homelessness nationwide.

VCP is a 501(c)(3) Missouri nonprofit ... Más información

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