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POTTSVILLE, Pennsylvania

The Mission Statement of Servants to All reads: “Through the Love of the Father, we work to restore dignity, build integrity, instill accountability, and thus transform the lives of poor and displaced individuals and families. Our programs are tailored to foster self-reliance and sustainability by empowering individuals to make positive life choices. Because we are God’s first, we are servants to all”. We believe in “community”; a cohesive society which encourages, supports, and provides opportunity for each member to realize the highest and best use of their God given talents. Being uniquely created by God with talent and dignity; every individual, especially the poor, homeless, and elderly, is meant by God to support and be supported by their community in order to create growth and flourish. No person is a solitary being.

Servants to All is a faith based program and the Schuylkill County’s only emergency homeless shelter program providing emergency housing, homeless prevention, street outreach, case management, and material goods.

Servants to All provides supportive services to homeless individuals in Schuylkill County and the surrounding counties in Pennsylvania, and is open to all community members in need. In addition to emergency shelter, Servants to All provides basic necessities such as ... Más información

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