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They Stood For Us. Let's Stand With Them. Our vision is that civilian America, military America and support organizations come together to strengthen the health of our nation, and ensure that service members, veterans and their families share in the quality of life that they have earned and that all Americans deserve. Code of Support Foundation (COSF) provides essential and critical one-on-one assistance to struggling service members, veterans and their families (SMVF) who have the most complex needs. We are dedicated to leveraging the nation’s full spectrum of resources to ensure all members of our military, veterans and their families receive the support services they need and through their collective sacrifice have earned.

The Code of Support Foundation was established in 2010 by Major General (RET) Alan B. Salisbury with the goal of bridging the growing divide of understanding and engagement between our military and civilian communities. Working with a dedicated team of retired military and civilian leaders, he developed the “Code of Support” for our troops as a parallel document to the Military “Code of Conduct” in which service-members pledge that they are prepared to give their lives in defense of our ... Más información

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