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TULSA, Oklahoma

The mission of TGS is two-fold: (1) Empower self-esteem and promote positive change in the lives of vulnerable youth and adults within the Tulsa community through participation in the unique creative processes of hot glass art; and (2) Enrich the cultural experience in the Tulsa community through exposure to a variety of glass art disciplines via education, instruction, and promotion of hot glass art including opportunities to observe nationally renowned visiting glass artists.

TGS is an open access glass art studio providing opportunities for individuals and groups to experience and learn the art of hot and warm glass. Our youth and military veteran (VETri) outreach in the Tulsa community and surrounding area drive our mission. Glass art is unique in that it not only teaches an age old art form, but it also provides an opportunity for the student to enhance his/her communication skills, focus, team work, self-esteem, and creativity. Glass art has on one more ... Más información

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