

PALM DESERT, California

WC Ministries’ purpose it to provide sound Biblical teaching and humanitarian outreach via our Helping Hands program where we provide healthy food options and water to those who are faced with food deficiency; Granny’s Girls, (our clothing program for women); Strengthening Our Sisters (S.O.S) program that promotes healing for marginalized and hurting women while also empowering them to reach their full potential and identity in Christ; and, our community education initiative in partnership with DGF.

WC Ministries is rooted in the belief that each of us has a responsibility to make a meaningful difference in our neighborhoods which will transform our communities, cities, states and the world. By helping to transform one life at a time, one family at a time, we can effect change and positively impact those we serve and our communities.

WC Ministries seeks to alleviate human suffering. We provide humanitarian aid to hurting people, both locally and internationally--Christians and ... 閱讀全文

