Foundation for Veterans Helping Veterans and their Communities New York State is dedicated to serving our fellow veterans by way of supporting their families and communities. We do this by way of supporting their family and communities. We do this by restoring hope in humanity, carrying on our military oath armed on the front line with relative language, adaptability, resources, hand-to-hand services, and shelter for the displaced.
Our goal is to provide treatment that will be ... 閱讀全文
Foundation for Veterans Helping Veterans and their Communities New York State is dedicated to serving our fellow veterans by way of supporting their families and communities. We do this by way of supporting their family and communities. We do this by restoring hope in humanity, carrying on our military oath armed on the front line with relative language, adaptability, resources, hand-to-hand services, and shelter for the displaced.
Our goal is to provide treatment that will be given professionally with respect and dignity. We provide a thorough assessment and evaluation for each and every individual entrusted to our care. A wide range of services is offered in order to meet the diverse needs of those seeking treatment. We provide a continuum of care tailored to the individual needs of each client.
It's our mission to assist Veterans without a home, secured, and safe place to live. Rental prices have increased so much that there are Homeless who live in homeless shelters or deplorable hotels. With Our Homeless Housing Program, we would educate Veterans on credit awareness and financial literacy. We also will provide Peer Counselors to Veterans to help them with their challenges. This program will also provide home health care for disabled Veterans.