
Christmas for the Homeless


2,000 years ago there was ‘No Room at the Inn’ for baby Jesus. Starting in 2005 and every year since, the SoupMobile, in an event called Celebrate Jesus, makes ‘room at the inn’ for 500 homeless men, women, and children at the spectacular downtown Dallas Omni Hotel.

We give them a truly magical Christmas. They all receive new clothes, fabulous gifts, lots of love, and we throw a huge banquet for them and in their honor. Most important is that when they wake up on Christmas morning, it’s in a warm, safe bed at the Omni – not in a cardboard box under a bridge somewhere.

What better way to celebrate the birth of Jesus than to give 500 of the ones HE called the ‘least of these’ the most magical Christmas of their lives. Our Celebrate Jesus Christmas Gala is a one-of-a-kind event in the entire nation. Each year more than 2,500 volunteers help us with the event at Christmas. We make you this special promise. If you come and volunteer with us at Celebrate Jesus it will not be the best volunteer opportunity of the year for you. It will be the best volunteer opportunity of your life! When you see the tears in their eyes and the smiles on those homeless faces, your heart will be touched in a way it has never been before.

