Stepping Out for the Homeless Campaign - HELP SOMEONE GO HOME!
来自 COALITION FOR THE HOMELESS INCWe have all used the phrase “I am going home.” It’s not just a simple expression of location; it carries a deep emotional significance.
Through your support, the Coalition for the Homeless (CFH) can help individuals turn their lives around and help them go home. When you donate to the Stepping Out for the Homeless campaign, eighty-five cents of every dollar raised goes directly to the Coalition's programs. Your support will help provide temporary housing, food, employment, housing placement assistance, case management, and substance abuse counseling to help people move into permanent affordable housing.
The most common reasons for homelessness are:
One of the leading factors of homelessness is the lack of affordable housing. Veterans often fall into this category as many are left with physical impairments and severe post-traumatic stress disorder after they have served. As a result, people will self-medicate as a form of escape.
Both men and women need to make a quick exit and find a place where their abuser cannot find them. Sadly, many do end up on the streets.
Lack of employment opportunities is a cause of poverty in the United States and if someone is suddenly faced with illness, accident, or loss of employment bills can add up and be crippling enough to force that person out of their home.
Substance abuse looks different for everyone and can be a battle with drugs and alcohol or even a combination of both.