


Founded in 2010, the H.E.M.P. Legacy Foundation has become best known for its Signature Community Outreach Events. These events serve 300-1800 individuals and families per event. The H.E.M.P. Legacy Foundation's mission is to Honor, Encourage, Motivate and Prosper. Honor: To have honesty and integrity in one's beliefs and actions. Encourage: To inspire someone with confidence, to give support or hope. Motivate: To move one's heart to take action, The belief and confidence to take the next step Prosper: To become strong and successful, to succeed in all areas of life. We are NOT a handout we ARE a hand up.

H.E.M.P. Legacy Foundation is designed to support and encourage battered, abused, addicted and impoverished women, teens, children and men who are now taking steps to improve their lives.

We provide clothing, food, and basic hygiene items to pregnant teens, young adults who have fostered out of the foster care system, veterans, and homeless.

We also reach out to multiple rehabilitation centers, half-way houses, battered women facilities and to victims of sex trafficking.

Additionally we receive referrals of families and individuals in need from numerous local churches, schools, and the local fire and police stations.

All of our individuals and families that we serve live well below the poverty level.

