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Veterans Fund


In the autumn of 2015, Veterans Helping Veterans Now closed after eight years of serving veterans and their families in Boulder County. They had provided a variety of services including rides to VA facilities in the Front Range, "warm" resource referrals for a diverse services, a gathering place for veterans and their families, group therapy meetings, massage and acupuncture, writing workshops, and alcohol-free social events for veterans and their families.

The Community Foundation Veterans Fund was established with the surplus that remained when Veterans Helping Veterans Now closed.

Grants are specifically targeted for direct services. In 2016, the Veterans Fund supported direct services for rides to medical appointments at VA facilities, a writing workshop for veterans, and assistance for homeless veterans in Boulder County.

The most recent census cites 15K veterans in Boulder County. With parents, siblings, parents and/or children, it is estimated that there are about 40K veterans and family members in Boulder County. Many veterans suffer from homelessness, unemployment or underemployment, mental health challenges, addictions, physical disabilities, and PTSD.

Your gift to the Community Foundation Veterans Fund will support direct and essential services targeted specifically to veterans.

Please help us help Boulder County's veterans.

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