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Walla Walla, Washington

Blue Mountain Action Council (BMAC), one of a number of Community Action Programs in Washington State, is a private, nonprofit, multipurpose agency, serving residents in Southeastern Washington to: * Meet the basic needs of low-income individuals and families * Offer opportunities for individuals and families to achieve greater levels of strength, independence, and self-sufficiency * Develop and implement strategies to prevent poverty in our communities, and * Leverage community support, service, and volunteerism

To cultivate innovative services, in partnership with our community, to empower low-income people to meet their vital needs and achieve self-sufficiency.

We envision healthy, thriving communities where people are free of poverty, hunger and homelessness.

A Brief History
The Economic Opportunity Act of 1964 created community action programs. The act defined a community action program as one that “…provides services, ... Läs mer

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