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Texas Veterans Career Transition Program


Veterans Transition Program Summary:
The program addresses veterans’ #1 identified concern – to gain productive, fulfilling employment with an upwardly sustainable career path, while achieving work/life balance and community involvement. The program serves all eras of veterans and family members.

The Career transition track begins with assessing occupational interests, qualifications, desired work setting and whether to seek employment directly or to first complete academic work, apprenticeships and required certifications. WI offers two preparatory training programs, Professional Mediation and Entrepreneurship, and weekly workshops and coordinates with the accredited schools in the area.

WI staff guides educational program selection, collaborates with best-practice programs and campus veterans’ success centers, the VA, TVC and TWC employment programs. Many TVC Career Advisors in our area refer to us regularly. WI coaches its clients to complete their preparation then transitions them to the employment process - civilian and federal resume building, employment events, employer selection, job application processes, interviewing, negotiating and onboarding.

WI maintains a dense provider referral network, is linked with Reserve and National Guard units in the area, participates in veterans benefits events, and is part of national collaborations such as America’s Warrior Partnership, Mission United, U.S. Chamber of Commerce Hiring our Heroes, the Hidden Heroes Caregivers’ Program, PsychArmor Institute, Syracuse University’s IVMF, SBA’s Veteran Business Outreach Centers and Boots to Business Reboot, and others.

WI Program events are broadcast to the community through our interactive website with calendar, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and our Bi-monthly Veterans Newsletter. Our Headquarters is a spacious Resource Center designed for hospitality and empowerment, with consultation and training rooms, resource libraries, computer workstations, lounge area, open kitchen, children’s resources and is handicap-accessible with free parking.

Veterans / Families served and impacted, duration, outcomes, Adaptations for COVID:
Each year the program serves 450 – 550 veterans and their families. During 2020 due to COVID the numbers declined to about 350 but by the end of the year were rebounding to more normal numbers. Over 75% enter the program specifically for career transition, with an additional 25% coming for our supportive services of personal and family counseling, legal and financial advisement and military caregiver assistance. Most of the career clients also use these additional services. 70% find high-quality employment by the end of the year, 0ver 70% of that is in the “white collar” professions, entrepreneurship and skilled trades.

During the 14 years of the program to date, over 6,000 clients have been through our program, with thousands more making contact through benefits and career fairs and military unit events. These continue to receive our newsletter. Our more than 70 referral partners also receive our program information and are invited to send their clients to our workshops. We retain all alumni client folders, because a large number return after some years to reengage in program services.

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