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SUMMERVILLE, South Carolina

The Summerville Police Honor Guard is a charitable organization dedicated to honoring fallen police officers. We are registered with the South Carolina Secretary of States Office (Public ID P32809) as a charitable organization. Officers assigned to the guard (current roster is 13 members) conduct funeral services for police officers, law enforcement veterans and have done so for military veterans as well. If a law enforcement agency loses an officer and requests our services for a police funeral because their agency does not have an Honor Guard, we provide the services to them at no expense to the agency or family of the deceased. In order to provide professional services, guard members attend monthly training, a minimum of 3 hours. Our association purchases flowers and flags for burial sites of fallen officers. Our association participates in memorial services or dedications held around the State of South Carolina.

The Summerville Police Honor Guard is a charitable organization dedicated to honoring fallen police officers. We are registered with the South Carolina Secretary of States Office (Public ID P32809) as a charitable organization. Officers assigned to the guard (current roster is 13 members) conduct funeral services for police officers, law enforcement veterans and have done so for military veterans as well. If a law enforcement agency loses an officer and requests our services for a police ... Läs mer

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