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Monroe, Washington

Equine Facilitated Learning (EFL) Researchers are learning what mankind has known for thousand of years: Horses are mystical creatures. They have the capabilities to play the role of champions and companions. We have used them for transportation, and now as a psychotherapist, through a discipline know as Equine Facilitated Learning. They are being used to treat veterans with post-traumatic stress injury, military sexual trauma. How can working with a horse help? Moving a person from trauma to healing requires creating new emotional responses. This can come in the form of new experiences that engage and soothe the brain.

Our Mission
Is that every wounded warrior will have access to our services. Used with counseling, horses can help warriors suffering with (PTSD) post traumatic stress disorder and (MST) military sexual trauma regain their emotional strength and confidence. Equine therapy is based on research which shows that horses feed on emotions. Therefore, in order to control the hosre that each soldier is paired with; the soldier must learn to take control of his/her own emotions. Therapy ... Läs mer

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