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Saint-Gobain North America Employee Emergency Assistance Fund

por America's Charities

Saint-Gobain North America (SGNA) Foundation established its Employee Emergency Assistance Fund (EEAF) to help SGNA Colleagues that are experiencing financial hardship. Financial hardships can be caused by a range of circumstances including, but not limited to disasters, medical illness or injury, military deployment, being the victim of a crime and other Qualifying Events. The EEAF provides approved applicants with funds to recover more quickly from unexpected financial hardship resulting from the impact of disasters and other personal hardships.
The EEAF has been generously seeded with $200,000 by the Foundation. In addition, employees can elect to donate to the EEAF directly. Any donated funds will be matched at 50% by the Foundation. Donations to the EEAF can be made through GiveWell at

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