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United for Veterans


Over the years, veterans and their family members have expressed the critical need for expanded, wrap-around services throughout our rural communities to United Way staff, board and volunteers. Understanding the need, UWNEMN recruited Wilder Research to help determine the most critical issues for UWNEMN to focus on. Wilder Research spent the better part of 2014 conducting Key Informant Interviews with veterans, their family members and local service providers. There was also an online survey available for those that preferred to participate that way.

Veterans expressed their biggest challenges were related to healthcare services which included long wait times, long distance travel, few qualified providers that understand, and concerns with social stigma and confidentiality. A family member expressed concern regarding their father, “There is such a stigma around mental health and seeking out help…. They are trained to be strong, they are trained to shut off that emotional part of them….,” Additional struggles expressed were issues with financial stability and employment as well as the culture shock when returning to civilian life. One veteran who served during Operation Enduring Freedom/Operation Iraqi Freedom (OEF/OIF) stated, “Emotional bonding levels are challenging. They want to know exactly what happened, what I did, but I get frustrated telling the story over and over again…”

UWNEMN is focusing on the most critical issues at hand with the support of a committee "United for Veterans" that is comprised of local veterans from the Iron Range who's mission is: "To create an environment of honor and respect for all fellow comrades in Northeastern Minnesota, while developing opportunities, supporting those in need and empowering veterans."

To date, United for Veterans has accomplished the following:
1. Developed a partnership with the North Star Inter-Service Family Assistance Committee to update, distributed and paid for the printing of 6,000 Military Connection Guides which provide information about a wide range of services available to Northeastern Minnesota veterans and their families. An update and reprint of the guide is in progress and will be available in September 2022.
2. Established a crisis fund to support veterans and service members experiencing hardships to offset the cost of a basic living expense or assistance in emergency situations. Applications can be obtained at UWNEMN, local County Veteran Service Offices, VA Clinic and MACV offices. To date, over $75,000 has been distributed to those in need.
3. Funded a veteran’s resource center at the Hibbing Community College, providing a space for on campus veterans to convene, study and access the Veteran Resource Officer for assistance with their G.I. Education Bill and other military benefits.
4. Host annual retreats for veterans and their families providing an intergeneration experience at the Veterans on the Lake Resort in Ely in the fall and a women veterans’ retreat at Giants Ridge in the spring.
5. Distribute annual holiday meal kits to veterans who have received support through the Crisis Fund or referred by a local County Veteran Service officer. This year, 50 veterans were assisted.
6. Purchased a home in Hibbing, in partnership with Minnesota Assistance Council for Veterans (MACV) that serves as transitional housing for homeless or soon to become homeless local veterans. The United for Veterans transitional home was renovated, repaired and furnished, then opened to the current veterans living in the home. Currently, two Iron Range veterans are inhabiting the house and receiving case management, provided by MACV.
7. Created a Wellness Passport that offers free monthly activities for veterans and their families to participate in an effort to promote health and well-being and build connections and comradery between veterans throughout our rural region. A variety of activities are planned each year and have included outings such as kayaking, golf, equine therapy, axe throwing, group movie, hiking etc.

UWNEMN’s vision is that all veterans in Northeastern Minnesota will have access not only to health care, financial stability and employment but to high quality and culturally competent support. This access and support will allow veterans, their families, and our communities to flourish, grow and thrive.

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