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Veteran Rescue Healing Ranch Community Facility


Veteran Rescue Healing Ranch Community Facility is a Veterans service involving PTSD equine therapy in addition to an animal shelter. Animal Rescue and Veteran Support Services Corp, DBA Veteran Rescue is actively looking for funding to secure a ranch property in which to operate multiple programs helping veterans, first responders, and animals in need. We provide PTSD and Suicide awareness. PTSD therapy will be conducted for veterans using service dogs and horses to heal our veterans and lower their families’ anxiety and emotional pain, improve our economy, and reduce veteran suicide and divorce rates, drug and alcohol addiction, end homelessness, and give everyone a second chance.

By purchasing the property located in Pierson, FL in Volusia County at we are able to expand the facilities to accommodate all the programs Veteran Rescue will be able to accommodate hundreds of veterans, first responders, and animals in need of therapy, healing, and care every year. Full detailed information can be found in the full grant proposal document including the purpose of the project, description of the project, and the service area.

Volusia County Fl supports us and grants us possible funding along with the USDA. Volusia County supports Veteran Rescue’s Healing Ranch Community Facility application to USDA Rural Development to construct an animal shelter, barn, and cabins for the Veterans on their 365-acre property they are purchasing in Pierson, Florida.

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