This effort was begun by San Jose community leader, Darlene Tenes, when she realized the difficult circumstances that the farmworkers were put in when the COVID-19 Virus first broke out.
Thousands of farmworkers having to work to provide food for others, while they toiled extra-long hours and endured more exposure to the COVID-19 virus than most communities. Darlene put out the call and soon citizens were filling cars with supplies and creating a Caravan to South Santa Clara County, San Juan Bautista, Salinas and other farmworker locations.
Now we have formed a partnership between Darlene Tenes, her many volunteers (many friends and family) and other San Jose community groups. San Jose Parks Foundation (a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization) stepped in to be the Fiscal Sponsor, ensuring that all donations are tax-deductibel and providing a strict accounting of all funds.