David J. Drakulich Art Foundation For Freedom of Expression (DJD Foundation) designs and creates art, humanities, and recreation programming and resources that support military-connected individuals as they improve and develop the quality of their own lives. DJD Foundation's programming provides art education and social resources for veterans and the military-connected community. Veterans' services in America currently emphasize financial, legal, and educational benefits. However, DJD ... Leia mais
David J. Drakulich Art Foundation For Freedom of Expression (DJD Foundation) designs and creates art, humanities, and recreation programming and resources that support military-connected individuals as they improve and develop the quality of their own lives. DJD Foundation's programming provides art education and social resources for veterans and the military-connected community. Veterans' services in America currently emphasize financial, legal, and educational benefits. However, DJD Foundation understands that veterans and military families not connected to essential resources such as social and emotional support groups can endure isolation, unemployment, homelessness, substance abuse, and many other challenges. Moreover, DJD Foundation understands that these benefits improve the quality of life for all community members.
Further, DJD Foundation understands that our veterans and service members have first-hand experiences and knowledge of war and military service that often remain unreported. We believe that self-expression and sharing such stories through various media services and formats assist individuals in processing traumas and difficulties that may result from their service and engage their community in a much-needed dialogue that creates clarity. This dialogue informs audiences of the consequences and human toll of military service. Additionally, DJD Foundation does this work to ensure that the active use of the gift of our 1st Amendment to the Constitution is freely accessible, especially for those who have fought to preserve it.
This work began to honor and memorialize David J. Drakulich, a young artist who turned soldier as soon after the 9-11 attacks as his age would allow. David had felt that his freedoms, which he dearly appreciated, were at stake. He joined the US Army, served over four years with three deployments, and earned many commendations.
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