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ESCONDIDO, California

Our mission is to enhance the quality of life for those nearing the end of life's journey and for those who grieve. The Elizabeth Hospice is the most experienced and largest nonprofit hospice and palliative care provider in the region. Since 1978, we have provided high quality medical, emotional, and spiritual support to the seriously ill and their families.

We welcome all who need our service regardless of gender, age, ethnicity, religion, disease or type of death experienced. Our comprehensive programs and services focuses on: 1) Pain and symptom management; 2) Perinatal and Pediatric Hospice Care; 3) Palliative Care for those living with chronic or serious illness; 4) Veterans Services to meet the unique needs of our veterans; and 5) Bereavement and Counseling Programs for all ages for patients, their loved ones, and the ... Czytaj dalej

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