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Oakland, California

The Western Regional Minority Supplier Development Council (WRMSDC) sits at the forefront of the fight for equality and economic justice. Since 1977, WRMSDC has been focused on closing the racial wealth gap by supporting entrepreneurs of color and helping them get into the supply chains of large organizations. By doing this, WRMSDC increases the creation of jobs, intergenerational wealth, access to housing, education and healthcare in communities of color. Learn more at

The Western Regional Minority Supplier Development Council (WRMSDC) sits at the forefront of the fight for equality and economic justice. Since 1977, WRMSDC has been focused on closing the racial wealth gap by supporting entrepreneurs of color and helping them get into the supply chains of large organizations. By doing this, WRMSDC increases the creation of jobs, intergenerational wealth, access to housing, education and healthcare in communities of color. Learn more at

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