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Armenia - Nor Ej (New Page)


The project “Nor Ej” (New Page) is a social responsibility program initiated by the “Armenian Human Resources Association” NGO (see more here:, which was designed and implemented in January 2021, immediately after the end of the 44-day war in Artsakh.

The aim of the Nor Ej project is to support those who have participated in the recent military actions, gained temporary or permanent physical disabilities and/or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and help them revise and develop their competencies, acquire specific knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to enter the labour market and, as a result, return to a full-fledged working life.

The long-term goal of the project is to reduce the gap between the skills of the workforce and the needs of the employers. We help develop and acquire a profession based on the willingness of the young people and the needs of the labour market.

The project target was preliminary set at 1,000 beneficiaries, young people aged 18-30 (mainly men), the participants of the mentioned military actions. We conducted professional interviews with them on their competencies and desires. Also, the project intended to cooperate with around organizations and institutions to measure their requirements in the workforce. The third component of the project was the collection of a substantial database of trainers/mentors and TVET instructors, who would be willing and would have the competence to teach and cover the gap between the supply and demand based on the research results. Based on this, we organized matching, professional orientation programs, training & development courses in various professional directions.
During the first three months, we conducted surveys among 250 employers in Armenia, attracted more than 200 trainers from various fields and performed an in-depth survey of more than 1,700 young people – the participants of the military acts. As a result, an objective and clear picture of the labor market in Armenia was formed; moreover, both the demand for certain professions and possible job offers were identified.
Further, free courses and consultations on professional orientation were held with the veterans of the war. As of November 2022, we have these results:
• the number of registered beneficiaries tends to 2,000 people,
• about 800 of the beneficiaries have passed various courses and programs,
• 52 beneficiaries are participating in a course,
• about 150 have already registered for various trainings
• 50 got a job

The main impact of the program is the fact that our beneficiaries were able to upgrade their knowledge and skills set and, most importantly, gain confidence to be able to step into the labour market and pursue their career path. This has also an indirect, yet crucial, impact on the family members of our beneficiaries, on the social-economic situation and overall well-being of the country. Another aspect includes the psychological factor, for our beneficiaries were able to partially overcome the PTSD thanks to socializing with their peers and learning new things. They can reassure that a person with disabilities can still be fully capable of working and chasing their dream job.

We are proud of the fact that we were the pioneers in terms of initiation and fulfillment of this project. And, since some other similar projects were created during this time, we were able to come together and unite creating a joint platform for all supporting organizations. We currently have more than 400 registered partners (trainers and employers), more than 100 of which are actively involved.

Thanks to all the resources that we put into this project; we were able to create a community with all our beneficiaries. Currently, there is an active social media group, where all the beneficiaries are getting daily updates and news on the ongoing and upcoming opportunities from all our partners and employers involved. Thanks to this community, our beneficiaries are able to communicate among each other, to cooperate and share their experiences and obtain new skills.

FASF is seeking $25,000 to support the Nor Ej project. FASF visited Armenia in October 2022 to review the program.

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