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Parkville, Missouri

The Greater Kansas City Friends of Fisher House, a 501(c)3 non-profit, raises funds to support the Fisher House Kansas City at the Kansas City VA Medical Center in Missouri. The 16-suite “home away from home” serves active military, veterans and their families as they receive health care while in the Kansas City VA hospital or nearby health care facilities.

Donors are vital to the Greater Kansas City Friends of Fisher House, our Military, Veterans and their Families. As a tax-exempt organization outlined in Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code (EIN 84-2359546), every donation counts and we cannot have an impact without your gifts. Our family at the Greater Kansas City Friends of Fisher House, aided by your donations, directly supports our active Military, Veterans and their families providing them a home away from home and a network of support from others who have faced similar struggles and difficult times.

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