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Fighting the Fight Within 5K

przez 22 2 NONE

Fighting the Fight Within 5K (FFW) is an event we bring to the community to not only honor and remember those that have lost their battle within, but to take up a torch in their memory to continue raising awareness about veteran suicide and the struggles our service men and women face. On average, 22 veterans take their own lives every day – that adds up to over 8,000 per year.

Raising awareness in the community leads to action. That action can better the lives of our veterans and reduce the stressors that can sometimes be too much to bear. Together we can be beacons of light for those struggling with suicidal thoughts, showing them the path towards healing and a brighter future.

Funds raised will help support our outreach center: Belay My Last Barracks, transitional housing project, the Staff Sergeant Drew Kostic Veterans’ Scholarship at Northwestern Michigan College and allow us to continue to offer free programs, resources and support to our local area veterans.

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