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BARRINGTON, Rhode Island

Thank you for your interest in the Jacques Pépin Foundation! We are a non-profit, public charity dedicated to the improvement of lives through culinary education. The JPF is working with community-based culinary arts training initiatives and organizations that teach economically disadvantaged individuals basic cooking skills. The food service industry has over a half million job vacancies and we believe that culinary skills are effective tools for adults to re-enter the workforce. With the works of the iconic Chef Jacques Pepin, and our training in pedagogy, we are uniquely positioned to improve the curricula and effectiveness of existing organizations, draw attention to their great work and ensure an opportunity for self-sufficiency for disenfranchised but hard working adults. Culinary skills equate to better health, employment, confidence and purpose. Great education, support and training is the key to success. Please support our cause. And Happy Cooking!

Our charity is comprised of a small handful of dedicated and talented professionals. We envision: Enriched lives and stronger communities through the power of culinary education.

We currently collaborate with existing community kitchens to raise their profile and assist and support in their fund-raising activities. We provide original technical materials including cookbooks and technique videos created by Chef Jacques Pepin. We broker relationships between kitchen equipment ... Czytaj dalej

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