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Santa Clarita, California

“To Help men (women and Veterans) coming out of prison, jail and long term drug rehab centers to become substance-free, morally strong, vocationally trained so that they may return to society as productive citizens. Hollywood Impact Studios uses the art of television and filmmaking to change lives and provide a training ground where Hollywood professionals mentor these individuals in order to identify their God-given talents and passions in order to choose a new path for their lives.”

“To Help men (women and Veterans) coming out of prison, jail and long term drug rehab centers to become substance-free, morally strong, vocationally trained so that they may return to society as productive citizens. Hollywood Impact Studios uses the art of television and filmmaking to change lives and provide a training ground where Hollywood professionals mentor these individuals in order to identify their God-given talents and passions in order to choose a new path for their lives.”

We have now opened Miracle Mountain in Castaic, California as a vocational training center to help our clients become vocationally training so that they may find employment.

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