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It is OUR MISSION (Bearded Villains Worldwide) “To unite Bearded Men of all cultures, races, creed and sexuality in a Brotherhood devoted to Loyalty, Honor, and Respect toward all people, Dedicated to the betterment of mankind through fraternity, charity and kindness.” - Bearded Villains Mission statement In addition to the overall BV Mission statement, BVIN has adopted our own mission statement in addition to the overall BV Mission. BVIN OFFICIAL MISSION - “Bearded Villians of Indiana strives to improve our local communities throughout the state of Indiana by way of charity towards individuals in need. We provide this philanthropy through supply donations, gift donations, scholarships and by virtue of our hands, participating in valuable physical work in the communities we reside.” We are a brotherhood of elite bearded men from all over the world, dedicated to: The Beard | Charity | Family | Respect | Loyalty

Bearded Villains of Indiana is a group of bearded men throughout the state of Indiana who are dedicated to improving our local communities through fellowship and work devoted to those who are often underserved. We have assisted in veteran's causes, assisting children with special needs, limb difference awareness, homeless outreach and manual labor/community-based service projects just to name a few.

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