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Enabling Peace in Iraq Center

Washington, District of Columbia

The Education for Peace in Iraq Center (EPIC) works one-on-one with young people and civil society leaders in Iraq to carry out effective programs, monitor the crisis and inform public policy, enhance understanding of Iraq’s story, and advocate for peaceful change. EPIC was founded in 1998 by U.S. Army veterans who believe that youth empowerment and a human security approach can make Iraq safe and prosperous again.


During the regime of Saddam Hussein, news reports in the mid-1990s told of a public health and humanitarian crisis in Iraq compounded by comprehensive United Nations sanctions. Children who were dangerously ill could not receive adequate life-saving health care, young people were unable to attend school due to poverty or a lack of basic necessities, and a significant part of the country was malnourished. Iraqis were cut off from the outside world while human rights ... Czytaj dalej

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