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WASHINGTON, District of Columbia

Friendship Place is a leader in Washington, DC, in developing solutions to homelessness that have demonstrable results and a lasting impact. Our innovative, customized, person-focused programs empower participants to rebuild their lives, find homes, get jobs and reconnect with friends, family and the community, permanently. Our goal is to end homelessness in Washington, DC, and to lead the way in modeling how this can be done in other parts of the country.

In 1991, the District of Columbia government proposed opening a 50-bed emergency shelter for homeless men at the Guy Mason Recreation Center in upper Northwest Washington, the wealthiest area of the District.

Many in the area reacted negatively to the proposal. They argued that there were no homeless people in upper Northwest, so services for them were not needed.

Other neighbors, however, thought it was time for the residents of upper Northwest to do their part to find ... Czytaj dalej

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