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Broomfield, Colorado

To foster independence for veterans struggling with PTSD, TBI, and substance abuse through the use of professional service dogs and therapy services.

The Bodhi Battalion was founded in 2015 to address the needs of combat veterans who are overwhelmed with life challenges and integration. The veterans we serve may struggle with trauma, substance abuse, or other difficult life transitions. Our nonprofit organization has developed a unique approach to treatment that utilizes evidence-based therapy practices with the added benefit of animal-assisted therapy and service dogs. We are dedicated to helping veterans redefine independence on their own terms with the right balance of guidance, support, security, and accountability they need to rebuild their lives.

Jak działają darowizny
Kliknij przycisk Przekaż darowiznę, a następnie wybierz kwotę darowizny. Nastąpi przekierowanie do wybranego procesora płatności. Po przetworzeniu darowizny zostanie ona przekazana wybranej instytucji charytatywnej.

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