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East Northport, New York

General Needs is an ALL VOLUNTEER 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and our focus is helping homeless veterans and veterans in need. In today’s society, it is common to donate used clothing to a local charity. However, there are personal clothing items that are not accepted for sanitary reasons: underwear, socks and tee-shirts. The veterans we serve are in great need of these basic living necessities. Monthly, we provide NEW basic “general needs” of underwear, socks, tee-shirts, sneakers, sweatshirts, sweatpants, towels and toiletries. However, the need to support these veterans is great and growing as the recent engagement vets join the roles of “veterans in need”. For Veterans’ Day 2020, we distributed 800+ pairs of new winter waterproof boots to ten shelters in the NY Tri-State area. For Christmas 2020, we donated 800+ new winter coats to ten+ shelters. Having new clothing enables the veterans to gain confidence, self-respect and JOBS. Ours is a small gesture compared to their great sacrifice and service!

General Needs is an ALL VOLUNTEER 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and primary mission is to help “veterans in need” and their families. In January 2013 three states – California, Florida, and New York – accounted for 44% of all homeless veterans across the country.* The geographic area of Long Island (Brooklyn, Queens, Nassau and Suffolk Counties) accounts for the largest homeless veterans’ population in New York State.

General Needs grew from a volunteer experience at the ... Czytaj dalej

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