Profil celu
Massillon, OhioTo serve those who serve us.
The SAM Center is a community of veterans and military supporters helping each other. We formed out of the belief that we can make the lives of service members, veterans and their widows better. The SAM Center collaborates with other community agencies to ensure programs are not being duplicated, while the gap in assistance is being filled. The SAM Center is a repository of information and we reach out to veterans in the community to provide resources. We will enact programs and services that serve our veterans, service members and widows in need.
Jak działają darowizny
Kliknij przycisk Przekaż darowiznę, a następnie wybierz kwotę darowizny. Nastąpi przekierowanie do wybranego procesora płatności. Po przetworzeniu darowizny zostanie ona przekazana wybranej instytucji charytatywnej.
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