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East Greenville, Pennsylvania

Our mission is to rescue homeless, neglected and abused animals and place them into life-long homes while placing an emphasis on the human-animal relationship and its ability to help heal those that need it most. We have created programs and partnered with other organizations to promote this benefit and place an emphasis on supporting Veterans

Our organization is unique by helping our rescue animals transition into their new life with programs that have been created to emphasize the human-animal relationship. We recognize that some of our rescue animals will need extra socialization and time to heal. We also understand that some of our rescue animals will also be of great benefit to those in need in the form of animal assisted therapy. Our programs within our organization and partnerships with other organizations show the benefits of these bonds to help people and animals heal from traumatic experiences in their past and current physical disabilities. These programs also show that both humans and animals can benefit from each other by learning to trust and power through difficult times in their lives.

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