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Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Honoring Americas Warriors is a 501(c) (3) non-profit tax-exempt organization dedicated to supporting the physical, mental health and wellness services to our nation’s veterans. Honoring Americas Warriors provides teams of disabled/retired veterans a new mission to be back in-service dress uniform to provide/augment military funeral honors for honorably discharged veterans that have served this country. Honoring Americas Warriors provides direct support to our nation’s heroes in the areas of assistance dog placement and training, outdoor sporting activities, adaptive sports, mental health & spiritual wellness, family & couples gatherings, employment, prevention of veteran suicide, and “Homes for Warriors”, a partnership with Central Oklahoma Habitat for Humanity, Team Rubicon and Home Depot to invest in community development through home repairs for low income veterans and families. Honoring Americas Warriors works with community leaders, elected officials and legislators, and other non-profit organizations to enhance veteran's awareness and promote veteran's initiatives.

Honoring America’s Warriors is an Oklahoma based 501 C (3) public charity formed in 2014.
Our programs are designed to assist veterans suffering from PTS and TBI that can lead to severe depression or suicide. The most effective mechanism is to create a dragnet of multiple programs to bring as many veterans together as possible. Veterans will interact with each other, build new relationships, and lean on each other in dark times.
Honoring America's Warriors ... Czytaj dalej

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