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USASOA Winter Survial Kits For Homeless Veterans


Winter in the Washington, DC, Maryland and Virginia region is a very brutal time of the year for over 1500 homeless and at-risk veterans and, it's when vital resources are needed the most. Last winter we were able to distribute over 250 Winter Survival Kits to our homeless and at-risk veterans, but we need to double and triple that number on a constant basis during the coldest time of the year. We have lost too many veterans to the freezing temperatures of winter. The items and resources are in constant need of replacement. For example, just think about how often we find ourselves at the store buying toiletries not to mention food and warm clothing. During the Christmas and Holiday Season - people graciously give what they can afford, however, come January, February, and March, donations drop significantly. If you could place a Winter Survival Kit filled with a pair of warm gloves, socks, hats, scarfs, a blanket, bottled water, toiletries, and nonperishable food directly into the hands of a homeless veteran, would you? This is your opportunity to make an indelible Impact on the life of a veteran who has earned and deserves your care, compassion and support.
All USASOA Winter Survival Kits are distributed to homeless veterans at the Department of Veterans Affairs, Homeless Veteran Community Resource Center, 1500 Franklin Street NE in DC as well as to homeless veterans in Maryland and Virginia.
All funds donated to the USASOA Homeless Veterans Outreach Program go directly to the purchase of heavy duty, weather proof back packs, nonperishable food items, bottled water, warm clothing, and gift cards to 7-11 Stores so they may purchase a warm drink or hot food.
I should not have to soft-sell this program for it is a mission of mercy and every grateful American who truly values and enjoys the freedoms won for them by our veterans should want to ensure that our homeless veterans are treated with dignity, honor and respect. Please help support USASOA - an all volunteer veterans and military service organization. Every dollar donated goes directly to the purchase of our winter survival kits for homeless and at-risk veterans.

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