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Portland, Oregon

At VetREST, our mission is to mentor Veterans while providing farming opportunity in safe and supportive environments where they can achieve wellness themselves and produce healthy food for our nation.

About VetREST and How We Started
After a cumulative period of receiving daily emails of Soldier suicides, Retired MG Daniel York (USAR), above right, put a plan in motion to stem the problem by addressing what is recognized as often a contributing issue—Post-Traumatic Stress (PTS) and the suffering it brings into the lives of so many Veterans. “According to recent studies over 300,000 Veterans experience PTS and it is estimated that approximately 20% of over two million service ... Czytaj dalej

Jak działają darowizny
Kliknij przycisk Przekaż darowiznę, a następnie wybierz kwotę darowizny. Nastąpi przekierowanie do wybranego procesora płatności. Po przetworzeniu darowizny zostanie ona przekazana wybranej instytucji charytatywnej.

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