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APPLETON, Wisconsin

COTS’ mission is “Ending Homelessness in the Fox Valley.” COTS fulfills a need within the Continuum of Care of the Fox Cities by providing temporary transitional shelter for men, women, young adults and single mother families experiencing homelessness in Outagamie, Winnebago, Green Lake and Calumet counties in Wisconsin. Many individuals experiencing homelessness are not able to make the leap from emergency housing (where the average stay is 28 days) to independent or supportive housing. The COTS program fills this gap by providing transitional shelter and supportive services to people for up to two years.

COTS offers a nurturing and secure environment in which our community’s most vulnerable can address the issues that lead to homelessness. Our goal is to enable individuals to transition to self-sufficiency by providing a safe, affordable place to live, food, household needs and training on basic life skills.

COTS changes the lives of over 80 individuals every day through individualized goal setting, community building and barrier removal. COTS is not just a shelter. Those ... Czytaj dalej

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